Debt advice and money guidance
Managing finances can become overwhelming for some especially due to the rising cost of living.
It can be tough acknowledging you have a problem but the sooner you seek advice, the better. If you find yourself struggling, please know that we are here to help.
Managing your money
Budgeting plays a crucial role in effectively managing your finances. With a variety of budgeting techniques available, some of which we have discussed on our blog, you can choose one that suits you best.
Whichever technique you choose to follow, it is important that you are aware of all your expenses and know which debts to prioritise. If you need some guidance on how to prioritise your debts, Money Helper covers this well.
You can also find lots of great budgeting apps and tools online that can help you to take charge of your finances. Money Helper has an online budget planner that is free to use and a great place to get started.
Cost of living
Given the ongoing increase in the cost of living, we recognise that you may be worried about your finances. We are here to help if you are concerned about missing an upcoming payment or if you have missed a loan repayment.
Having early conversations with us regarding any financial difficulties you might be facing, is the best step you can take. We have a range of support options that can be tailored to your individual circumstances.
Contact us immediately if you are worried about your next loan repayment.
Give us a call
If your situation has changed and you are struggling to make your loan payments, it is important you reach out to us as soon as possible. We have a team of experts who work around each customer’s individual circumstances and can offer you a solution that might be more affordable for you in your current circumstances.
You can find our contact details on our Contact Us page.
If you have multiple loans, we advise you to do the same and reach out to the companies you owe money to. They too might be able to work with you to find a solution that will help you get through your financial troubles.
Debt support organisations
National Debtline: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/
PayPlan: https://www.payplan.com/
Money Helper: https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/
Tully: https://www.tully.co.uk/
Citizens Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
StepChange: https://www.stepchange.org/
Struggling with your finances?
Don’t ignore the problem
Take control of your budget
Rethink your spending
Prioritise your debts
Talk to us
Get independent advice